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2024 Speakers.

Ms Despina Spanou
Head of Cabinet of European Commission Vice-President Margaritis Schinas | Greece

Mr Philip Stupak
Assistant National Cyber Director, ONCD - The White House | USA

Major General Aymeric Bonnemaison
Commander French Cybercom, French DoD | France

Mr Dan Cimpean
Director of the Romanian National Cyber Security Directorate | Romania

Mr Felix Barrio
General Director of INCIBE - Spain

Mr Hans de Vries
Chief Cybersecurity Officer of ENISA | The Netherlands

Mr Daniel Le Coguic
President of the Alliance for Digital Trust | France

Mr Gianluca Galasso
Head of Operations/CSIRT ITA Directorate of the Italian National Cybersecurity Agency | Italy

Ms Christine Bejerasco
CISO of WithSecure | France

Mr Mario Campolargo
Former Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Administrative Modernisation | Portugal

Mr Dara Murphy
Vice President of Rasmussen Global, former Minister of Digital | Ireland

Mr Michael H. Lashlee
Chief Security Officer for Mastercard | USA

Mr Liudas Alisauskas
Director of the National Cyber Security Centre, Ministry of National Defence - LT

Mr Emmanuel Amiot
Partner at Oliver Wyman | France

Mr Sami Khoury
Head of the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security | Canada

Mr Charles Beigbeder
President of Gravitation - FR

Ms Alexandra Bensamoun
Member of the interministerial AI committee to the Prime Minister, Professor of Law | France

Mr. Gurpreet Bhatia
Department of Defense Principal Director for Cybersecurity
Deputy CISO at the Department of Defense | USA
Deputy CISO at the Department of Defense | USA

Ms Lorena Boix Alonso
Director for Digital Society, Trust & Cybersecurity at DG CONNECT - Spain

Ms Clotilde Bômont
Researcher at the Institute for Strategic Studies (IRSEM, Ministry of the Armed forces), and at the GEODE center | France

Mr Éric Brier
Technical Director of S3NS at Thales Cyber Defense Solutions - FR

Ms Sandra Joyce
Vice President, Google Threat Intelligence, Google Cloud | USA

Mr Olivier Cadic
Vice President of the Foreign Affairs, Defense and Armed Forces Committee of the French Senate | France

Mr Thibaut Claes
General Manager at FNX Ventures | Belgium

Mr Marc Darmon
President of GICAT, Chairman of the Security Sector Committee | France
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